Drop Test On iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3

Written on 18.01 by Unknown

With a lot of folks getting their hands on the iPhone 5 for the first time today, there are understandably a lot of drop tests hitting YouTube. One of the more interesting drop tests comes from the folks at Android Authority, who pitted the iPhone 5 against the Samsung Galaxy S III. The results of the test are definitely surprising, so this is one that you’ll absolutely want to check out.

In an effort to make this drop test as realistic as possible, the phones were dropped from various heights. First, the phones were dropped from a height around two-and-a-half feet to simulate a user dropping their phone while pulling it out of their pocket. In the second part of the test, the phones were both dropped from a height of four feet, which simulates a drop while you’re putting the phone up to you ear to answer a call. With the third round, both phones were dropped from ear height, which is about 5’6″ in this case. Finally, the iPhone 5 was dropped from a height of around 5’10″ – the Galaxy S III sat this test out, sadly.
After the first round, both phones were still on an equal playing field. Though the cases on both suffered some scratches, neither phone showed any damage on the screen. The second test wasn’t so kind on the Galaxy S III – while the iPhone’s screen remained unscathed after the second the test, the Galaxy S III landed on its upper left corner, which shattered the top part of the screen. The good news is that the Galaxy S III’s touch screen was still functioning after the impact, so at least there’s that.
With the third test, the Galaxy S III suffered even more damage while the iPhone 5 remained in tact. The battery cover on the Galaxy S III flew off when the phone hit the ground, and the drop caused the screen to crack even more. When it came time to drop the iPhone 5 from 5’10″, once again the screen didn’t give. At the end of everything, the iPhone 5 held up suprisingly well, with only a few scuffs on the sides and corners and a few dents in the aluminum on the back.

Of course, with drop tests it’s always a crapshoot. Sometimes phones will drop on a corner, which is usually enough to crack the screen, and other times it won’t, making it hard to gauge just how well a phone holds up when dropped. Still, this drop test should give us a general idea of how resilient the iPhone 5 is, and it seems to safe to say that it’s quite a bit tougher than the delicate iPhones of the past. What do you think of this head-to-head drop test?

via slashgear

iPhone 5 Berhasil Di Jailbreak

Written on 17.49 by Unknown

Saat iPhone 5 diluncurkan, para jailbreakers banyak yang khawatir akan nasib jailbreak di processor A6 dan iOS 6 yang baru ini.
Tidak sepertinya kekhawatiran para jailbreakers ini tidak terlalu beralasan. Karena kenyataannya, para ahli di bidang jailbreak ternyata tidak perlu bekerja lama-lama untuk dapat menembus sistem dari iPhone 5 dengan iOS 6 ini.
Seperti bisa kita lihat pada gambar di bawah, iPhone 5 dengan iOS 6 sudah berhasil dijailbreak oleh seseorang yang bernama Grant Paul (dia bisa dikontak lewat akun twitter @Chpwn).

Sayangnya, belum ada kejelasan mengenai tipe jailbreak ini, kemungkinan besar jailbreak ini masih berupa tipe tethered. Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa jailbreak ini sudah bertipe untethered.
Di sisi lain, juga belum ada kejelasan kapankah tools untuk jailbreak iPhone 5 dengan iOS 6 (termasuk iPhone 4S) ini akan dirilis ke publik.

via teknoup

Windows 8 United Colors of Benetton Released

Written on 22.14 by Unknown

We have seen corporations such as HP and Intel add their own apps to the Windows Store feature in Windows 8 in the weeks leading up to the official launch of the OS on October 26th. This week, you can add yet another major business who has their own Windows 8 app, and its from a company that is definitely not in the tech category.
The clothing line United Colors of Benetton have released their app on the Windows Store, offering users a way to check out the latest selections and styles from the Italian-based fashion company. Some of you may be more familiar with the ads that Benetton releases, some of which were controversial when they were first released, including ads in 2011 which showed manipulated images of world leaders kissing.
The free Windows 8 app also features news from Benetton, a way to find stores that sell their clothes and even the official Benetton Internet music channel, which offers up a selection of what we would assume is approved Benetton music. It's likely we will see more large but non-tech Windows 8 app added to the Windows Store ahead of the official Windows 8 launch.

via neowin

Nokia Bandingkan Fitur Lumia 920 dengan iPhone 5

Written on 19.45 by Unknown

Persaingan mulai memanas antar dua raksasa smartphone di dunia yaitu Nokia dan Apple.Kedua belah pihak mulai mempromosikan seberapa canggih device yang mereka rilis dengan iklan-iklan dan lain sebagainya.

Nokia sebelumnya menyerang iPhone 5 dengan membandingkan fitur peta dan navigasi,namun mereka merasa tidak cukup menyerang dari fitur tersebut saja oleh karena itu mereka merasa perlu menyerang iPhone 5 dengan membandingkan beberapa fitur dari Lumia 920 mereka anggap jauh lebih baik daripada iPhone 5.Berikut perbandingan yang dibuat oleh Nokia :

via teknoup

Nokia Let You Try Their Lumia 920 for Two Weeks

Written on 19.30 by Unknown

Nokia is known for their non-traditional techniques for advertising and creative ways of getting their products into your hands. If you have been salivating over the Lumia 920 (or even the 900) but are not sure if the device is right for you, Nokia will let you test drive the device for two weeks.
You can get your name on the list to test drive a Lumia device by visiting the link here but note that you must agree to the company’s terms and conditions. Additionally, Nokia has been running this test-drive style promotion for some time but the confirmation the Lumia 920 will be a part of the process, has not been mentioned previously (the device will become available soon for selection on the site).
Nokia has been tossing out infographics left and right slandering the competition while they build up the hype to the Lumia 920 launch. On paper, Nokia’s device appears to be king in nearly aspects but with our marginal hands on time (and no scrolling) with Windows Phone 8, it will come down to the polish of the OS to see who the real winner is. 
Head on to the source link to get yourself signed up and if you have wanted to get your hands on any of the current gen devices, Nokia can hook you up with those too. 

via neowin

Bluetooth 4.0 Support For Lumia 920 and Lumia 820

Written on 18.00 by Unknown

This will prove to be good news for those who were slightly disappointed to see Nokia’s new Lumia devices were only going to support Bluetooth 3.1. According to a listing on Bluetooth.org, both the Lumia 820 and 920 support Bluetooth 4.0.
Bluetooth 4.0 allows for the transfer of information from super low power devices. The reason it’s a big deal is that it will allow for things like workout monitors, everything from a pedometer to a heart rate monitor.
What isn’t certain at this point is how well supported Bluetooth 4.0 will be on an OS level, if at all. Microsoft has just gone RTM with Windows Phone 8 and as of yet we are still wondering about a great many details. It’s certainly a good sign though; if the Lumias have been certified then it’s unlikely is only to allow proprietary Nokia applications to use it.
The applications we’re likely to see use this type of technology is generally going to be sports tracking apps. Nike for instance has their Fuel band, Running, Training devices which help record a workout. But there's of course room for other projects to fit in.
via wpcentral

HTC New Windows 8 Smartphone Announced

Written on 22.41 by Unknown

HTC has finally taken the wraps off their latest Windows Phone 8 device, and it comes with some interesting branding. Rather than being called the HTC 8X, it's actually called the Windows Phone 8X by HTC - a move that shows the partnership between Microsoft and HTC that dates back to the original Windows Phone devices.

Like the rumors have been pointing to for weeks, the HTC 8X comes with a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 processor, clocking in at 1.5 GHz across two cores and also supplemented by 1 GB of RAM. The display is a 4.3-inch 1280 x 720 Super LCD 2 panel coated with Gorilla Glass 2, and surrounded by a 10.1mm thin curved case that comes in Nokia-style colors known as "California Blue, Graphite Black, Flame Red and Limelight Yellow".
Other specs include a rear 8-megapixel camera with a BSI sensor, f/2.0 lens and LED flash, plus a 2.1-megapixel front-facing camera with 88-degree field-of-view; 16 GB of on-board storage and a 1,800 mAh battery. Naturally, Windows Phone 8 is on-board with some exclusive accent colors to match the hardware, plus Beats Audio enhancement.
The HTC 8X (or Windows Phone 8X by HTC) will be coming to T-Mobile, Verizon and AT&T "within days" of the Windows Phone 8 release at the end of October, meaning it should be on the shelves right at the start of November.

via neowin

Lumia 920 vs iPhone 5, Which One is Better ?

Written on 22.10 by Unknown

Lumia 920
iPhone 5

Okay this post is only my opinion,so it is up to you to determine which one between this two handset is much better.First, i will talk about the feature of each handset.

Lumia 920,Nokia claimed this smartphone is much better than any previous version of Lumia that already released earlier,powered with Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Dual-core 1.5GHz this handset will provide you with such a speed and also this Lumia 920 is the first smartphone that using Windows Phone 8 OS that Microsoft specially designed it for smartphone.For complete specs see Lumia 920.

iPhone 5,with such an experience in making the touchscreen handset,Apple make a smartphone that will make their customers satisfied, it's iPhone 5 that has nearly 9 millimeters taller screen than iPhone 4S,but it's same in width,using the newest Apple iOS 6, powered with A6 chip that will faster the performance of the newest iPhone (it's really good news for someone who loves playing game in their phone), it's also much thinner and lighter than iPhone 4S, enhanced Siri ability, new 3D maps and additional feature for iSight camera,it's Panorama feature that if the gyroscope, A6 chip, and Camera app work together it can create one seamless, high-resolution panorama up to 28 megapixels and finally it's using the LTE technologyThe major change that Apple make for their handset is the changing of the 30 pin-connector with even smaller, better and faster lightning connector.

And if we compared the features and ability of this two handset, Lumia seems look much better because it makes major changes for their new Lumia's series because Apple just making minor changes for their latest handset it is because Apple just wanted to improve something that they think needed to be improved. But don't underestimate Apple iPhone 5 because many smartphone user already have a good impression when using Apple devices and it proved with the pre-order that already over 2 millions units while Lumia still trying to prevail the smartphone user that Lumia is much better. So i think at this time Apple iPhone 5 is better than Lumia 920. But who knows in the next few years Lumia can be better than iPhone ? 

Nokia Ungkap Bahan Shell di Lumia 820

Written on 18.49 by Unknown

Lumia 820

Smartphone Nokia Lumia 820 memiliki ciri khas otentik yakni casing belakang (atau Nokia menyebutnya shell) yang dapat diganti-ganti, ditambah shell ini memiliki fitur wireless charging. Dalam sebuah posting di blog resmi Nokia, perusahaan tersebut memberikan beberapa detail tentang perbedaan tipe shell yang direncanakan untuk Lumia 820. Disertakan juga jenis material yang digunakan.
Shell tersebut terbuat dari PC/ABS(Polycarbonate/Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), gabungan dua material yang dikembangkan untuk mempermudah shell untuk dipasang dan juga daya tahan yang baik. Biasanya material seperti ini digunakan untuk ekterior dan interior mobil. Urusan warna juga bukan hanya di cat, namun memang dari bahan dasar yang diberi warna sehingga jika terjadi goresan maka shell tersebut tidak akan meninggalkan bekas yang terciri dan juga warna tidak akan pudar.
Nokia menambahkan bahwa tersedia juga shell jenis lain yang lebih tahan banting untuk Lumia 820 untuk keamanan yang lebih. Shell yang lebih lembut ini juga terbuat dari PC/ABS namun ditambahkan material sejenis karet di sekitar muka depan dan bagian sudut. Shell ini akan tersedia dalam pilihan warna kuning, hijau, dan oranye dengan bagian sudut berwarna hitam.

via teknoup

iPod Nano Baru Jiplak Lumia 900 ?

Written on 18.57 by Unknown

iPod Nano
Lumia 900

Well,kita tahu perang paten antara Apple dan Samsung sedang panas-panasnya karena kedua vendor teknologi besar di dunia ini saling mengklaim teknologi pada handset satu sama lain.

Lupakan sejenak perang antara Apple dan Samsung karena yang akan dibahas pada post ini adalah kemiripan desain antara lumia 900 dan iPod Nano yang baru saja dirilis oleh Apple.

Apple pada saat Steve Jobs menjabat sebagai CEO menggagap suatu penjiplakan karya adalah sesuatu yang membuat dirinya muak.Namun disaat di kini ia telah digantikan oleh Tim Cook semua nampak berubah salah satunya yang bisa kita lihat saat ini.

Persamaan desain Lumia 900 dengan iPod Nano pun tak bisa dibantah lagi setiap lekuk dan bentuk dari Lumia 900 diaplikasikan pada iPod Nano terbaru ini.

Apakah ini memang suatu penjiplakan atau hanya ketidaksengajaan atau mungkinkah ada kerja sama yang disembunyikan oleh dua vendor teknologi ini ?

Lumia 920

Written on 18.32 by Unknown

Pada tanggal 5 September 2012,Nokia resmi memperkenalkan smartphone andalan mereka yakni Lumia 920.Stephen Elop pun tanpa ragu mengajak para pengguna smartphone beralih menggunakan handset ini karena user akan merasa dimanjakan dengan teknologi yang dibenamkan pada handset ini.

Lumia 920 membawa banyak sekali perbaikan peforma dan juga penambahan fitur-fitur baru daripada smartphone Lumia versi sebelumnya.Pada Lumia 920 dibenamkan OS Windows Phone 8 yang diharapkan dapat menaklukan OS dari vendor saingan mereka yaitu Apple dan Samsung.

Lumia 920 memiliki berat sebesar 185 g dengan tebal 10.7 mm serta bentang layar sebesar 4.5" yang tentunya akan sangat memanjakan para penggunanya.Handset ini juga dibekali dengan processor dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 dengan kecepatan 1.5GHz dan baterai berkapasitas 2000mAh.

Beberapa fitur lain yang ada dalam smartphone ini adalah kamera berkekuatan 8.7 megapixels dengan Carl Zeiss optics dan teknologi PureView yaitu teknologi yang sama seperti teknologi yang dibenamkan pada  Nokia 808 PureView yang diklaim dapat mengambil gambar walaupun intensitas cahaya rendah dan juga dapat memperjernih hasil jepretan kamera handset ini.

Wireless charging dan juga PureMotion HD+ display menjadi fitur adalan dari handset ini.Wireless charging membuat user tidak membutuhkan kabel untuk melakukan pengisian daya baterai cukup dengan meletakan smartphone Lumia 920 anda pada sebuah charging pad maka daya akan terisi dengan sendirinya dan Pure Motion HD+ yang diklaim dapat melenyapkan blur yang kerap terjadi pada layar touch screen.

Berikut adalah spesifikasi lengkap Lumia 920 :

GENERAL2G NetworkGSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
3G NetworkHSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100
4G NetworkLTE 800 / 1800 / 2600 / 900 / 2100

BODYDimensions130.3 x 70.8 x 10.7 mm, 99 cc
Weight185 g
DISPLAYTypeIPS TFT capacitive touchscreen, 16M
Size768 x 1280 pixels, 4.5 inches (~332
ppi pixel density)
ProtectionCorning Gorilla Glass
- PureMotion HD+ display
SOUNDAlert typesVibration; MP3, WAV ringtones
3.5mm jackYes
MEMORYCard slotNo
Internal32 GB storage, 1 GB RAM
DATAGPRSClass 12 (4+1/3+2/2+3/1+4 slots), 32 -
48 kbps
EDGEClass 12
SpeedHSDPA, 42 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps; LTE,
Cat3, 50 Mbps UL, 100 Mbps DL
WLANWi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct
BluetoothYes, v3.1 with A2DP, EDR
USBYes, microUSB v2.0, USB On-the-go
CAMERAPrimary8.7 MP, 3264 x 2448 pixels, Carl Zeiss
optics, optical image stabilization, autofocus, LED flash
FeaturesPureView technology, geo-tagging
VideoYes, 1080p@30fps
SecondaryYes, 1MP
FEATURESOSMicrosoft Windows Phone 8
ChipsetQualcomm MSM8960 Snapdragon
CPUDual-core 1.5 GHz Krait
GPUAdreno 225
SensorsAccelerometer, gyro, proximity,
MessagingSMS (threaded view), MMS, Email, Push
Email, IM
GPSYes, with A-GPS support and GLONASS
ColorsBlack, Gray, Red, Yellow, White
- Wireless charging
- MicroSIM card support only
- SNS integration
- Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic
- MP3/WAV/eAAC+/WMA player
- MP4/H.264/H.263/WMV player
- Document viewer/editor
- Video/photo editor
- Voice memo/command/dial
- Predictive text input
BATTERYStandard battery, Li-Ion 2000 mAh
Stand-byUp to 400 h (2G) / Up to 400 h (3G)
Talk timeUp to 17 h (2G) / Up to 10 h (3G)
Music playUp to 67 h